Laminitis | Founder Clinic: Steve McConnell
Meet the Laminitis | Founder Clinic presenters!
Steve McConnell, CF, APF (AFA, OFA, FITS) from Waterford, Ontario, who has been shoeing since 1986.
Steve graduated from Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology Farrier Program in 1986 and then apprenticed for 3 yrs, then two more years part-time, while establishing his clientele.
He is certified through the American Farriers Association, became one of the first and only Canadian farriers to become FITS certified in 2017 and was also licensed by the Ontario Racing Commission. Successfully competed in international farrier competitions for many years.
Steve has shod Olympic, World Championship and International competition horses of various disciplines including dressage, hunter/jumper, western, race, endurance and gaited horses and is renowned for his therapeutic successes.
Steve had an academic paper on Comformational Observations for Successfully Treating Navicular published in 2019, another on Managing Asymmetric Hooves for Soundness and Performance to be published in December 2022 and currently working on his next paper on Managing Fetlock Descent and Trajectory.
"I become a farrier to help horses and see them regularly, to watch and be a part of their development and careers, - says Steve.
My favourite part is how these majestic animals could kill me in an instant and yet allow me to provide care for them while doing what I love to do”.
Laminitis | Founder Clinic and the use of Clogs
February 11-12, 2023 Full program